Sister Zhou’s monk’s mouth is barren and imaginary. Here is the kind of iron barren beast that transcends the ordinary wild beast, that is, the body can generate iron barren crystal barren beast. Sun Hao killed Taikoo Cang Bear without finding the barren crystal, and this Taikoo Cang Bear has formed great pressure for Ling Tianjian Sect.
If Sun Haoru continues to stay in the Sword Sect, it may take a long time to find a fighting spirit or to kill while fighting.
In the virtual battlefield, Sun Hao really took advantage of his sword potential in the sea and successfully sneaked into the Gehu Lake. When he entered the island, he killed a large number of blind frogs and became a killing sword, reaching a murderous surge.
Sun Hao’s fate in the island lake is coincidental, and through some cultivation, he gets the blessing of the bucket stick to perfect his fighting spirit.
That is to say, Sun Hao needs to practice, and the only thing that needs to speed up the progress is the killing trend.
Once the three strategies are practiced,
Sun Hao will start the peerless double sword bone cultivation.
Three major trends lack the killing potential alone.
Sun Hao’s cultivation and understanding of killing potential is not weak.
Sun Hao killed quite a few people along the way, especially before the world soared, Sun Hao wiped out countless demons in those years when Sun Hao wiped out the magic disaster.
Besides, Sun Hao has been practicing for a long time since he learned the seven kills and asked questions from the Dragon Bird Killing the Magic Palace, and he has accumulated quite rich experience in practicing his own seven kills and asking questions in the Dafa.
When Sun Hao was in the world, he initially dabbled in killing and stopping killing
And in many battles in the world, these two kinds of secret techniques of killing and killing also helped Sun Hao a lot. After the virtual world, these two kinds of secret techniques still have certain influence effects.
Therefore, Sun Hao didn’t realize the murderous look soaring in the process of killing the blind frog very hard, and gave birth to his own murder sword.
Otherwise, Sun Hao may have to practice for hundreds of years just this first step.
The soaring murderous look is the first of the four styles in The Killer’s Sword.
Then Sun Hao needs to practice, which is the second type of killer sword.
Sun Hao has already learned the secret of murderous cultivation.
The root element of uniting this trick is "killing continuously until the murderous look of the body is from soaring to flowing endlessly"
The science of uniting this recruit requires Sun Hao to find enough for him to draw his sword step by step and kill him step by step.
This kind of wild beast can’t be too strong, Sun Hao can’t kill fast enough, and he can’t afford to kill, but he can’t be too weak and weak, and his roots have no cultivation effect.
I drew a sketch by the lake to find out the distribution of wild animals around the lake. Sun Hao thought about the ground and began to sketch his own route. He explained it to Ji Ruxue, Ji Yukou and Ji Yuliu. Yu Xiaoqing Sun Hao did not let her take part in the practice of killing herself.
After half a day’s rest, Sun Hao smiled indifferently, and the agarwood sword flew over and fell into his hand. Sun Hao gently stroked the agarwood sword and smiled at several women behind him. "Let’s start, you three be careful."
Side by side behind Corleone, the white clothes are fluttering, and three beautiful women are nodding in unison. Ji Ruxue said softly, "You should be careful yourself in the hills."
One finger gently flicked the agarwood sword, and the agarwood sword buzzed softly. Sun Hao strode out to Taniguchi, and his mouth screamed, "Men are as bold as bears and as fierce as wolves; Men fight swords and travel thousands of miles to kill wild crabs. "
The three women looked at each other and saw each other’s faces in admiration.
At this time, Sun Hao’s heroic and heroic spirit made them heartache.
Outside the valley, as Sun Hao roared out, a large number of crabs with a diameter of one foot appeared in front of Sun Hao, waving huge pliers and crawling across quickly to attack Sun Hao.
Ranglin Island Crab
More powerful than blind frogs, every wild crab is no less powerful than ordinary senior swordsmen. Double pliers are the main attack method, and it is difficult to hurt with a pair of iron-clad swords. It is a very sharp attack and defense, and monks are unwilling to face wild animals.
It has an iron shell and double tongs, which are very rare materials for refining.
When Sun Hao rushed out and began to fight against the wild crabs, Sumeru Condenser Tower rarely handed out demand information, which means that the wild crab iron shell is a refined material that Sumeru Condenser Tower needs.
The original is not going to let go of the wild crab Sun Hao suddenly refreshed.
The pale blue Guanghua flash of wild crabs has been washed up by thick waves like air billow, revealing a white abdomen.
Sun Hao binge drinks a "kill"
Holding an agarwood sword, I rushed to my wrist, and the agarwood sword "poof" was like cutting tofu into the soft abdomen of wild crabs. The tip of the sword was scratched, picked and dumped backwards. The wild crabs were disemboweled and dumped to the rear wrist, and then "poof" was plunged into the abdomen of the second wild crab, and the wild crabs were thrown backwards …
Layers are like waves of the sea, and the airflow surges forward.
A wild crab was washed up and lifted up. Sun Hao suddenly and violently yelled at the agarwood sword and killed it quickly and accurately.
The sudden change of Ranglin Island
Sun Hao, a lonely island with one man and one sword, opened his own murderous road
Chapter one hundred and fifty-one Killing two
One step at a time, killing wild crab carcasses, starting with the horizontal line.
The crab roe scattered in the place where the song passed has piled up in less than a moment.
The three girls behind were very surprised and looked at each other with admiration at the same time.
The three of them once joined forces to fight against a lonely wild crab. The three of them tried their best to surround and cut it for two days and two nights, and finally happily killed a wild crab with high value.
They know that Sun Hao is better than themselves, but they never imagined that the gap was so big.
The abdomen of the wild crab is indeed the weakest in defense, but the three of them can’t cut it, and it is absolutely impossible for Sun Hao to directly gut the wild crab and make it cramp and dying.
Sun Hao killed three of them in front of one person and packed up behind them. Together, the three of them couldn’t catch up with Sun Hao’s killing speed.
Sun Hao of Ranglin Island sings more and more.
The huge battle group is getting farther and farther away, and in front of them is a huge slaughterhouse full of wild crabs
The value of wild crabs seems to be so great in an instant.
Previously, Sun Hao asked them to throw some wild crabs to the wild snakes at dusk before killing them. They agreed at that time, but they felt a little wave in their hearts.
Because wild crab meat is also a monk, it is best to supplement it for a long time, which can subtly enhance the monk’s physical exercise and strengthen the monk’s ability. The resources are endless.
They felt that Sun Haotai didn’t know how to save.
But now that they see the huge slaughterhouse-style wild crabs, they really think it’s not a problem to throw a few to feed the wild snakes at dusk
Taniguchi, with a large array of strength, three people are busy in and out. In just half a day, more than a hundred wild crabs have been harvested. Put away the iron shell pliers. This is the refined material. Put away the crab yolk. This is a lot of magic refining materials. Put away the crab meat. After a little processing, long-term eating can enhance the monk’s physical training.
Of course, it also carried out Sun Hao’s will to remove a few pairs of pliers and crustacean crabs and throw them on the slope to feed the evening snakes.
More importantly, the huge slaughterhouse in front of them has a mountain of wild crabs.
Sun Hao has always been ruthless in front of him, and Ranglin Island has never been provoked. The wild crabs seem to have come around and chased Sun Hao to form a huge chapter and keep moving left and right.
Sun Hao sent by Ling Tian Jianzu came here because he could find a suitable training object in the virtual battlefield, whether it was killing or fighting spirit, which was much worse.
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