It’s a pity that the time is fleeting, and the vanguard of Qin Jun is still not ready. The thunderous horse has rushed directly into the array
The Chu army had already raised a bow and arrow, and at the first moment, he pulled out a long knife and swung his horse, but at the same time, he went into the human territory as straight as a steel knife and broke a bloody path in the Qin army.
In the melee, people saw clearly what it looked like and quickly reported it to the rear army commander.
Xu Motian smiled and kissed the drums.
With the drum army, if this death squad center is surrounded, the attack center of the annihilated army will shift significantly.
Chen Yifei immediately transferred troops to Feixue, and at the same time, Wang Rong personally led Feixue elite to attack Qin Jun camp again.
At this time, if Qin Jun formation has been rushed and the main attention is focused on if the body turns out to be legal and effective, and the two Chu armies are getting closer and closer.
In the chancellorsville, Xu Motian doesn’t have to keep coming to the battle report, but he can always look at the battlefield bureau.
Zhao Wenbo called for a guard.
Xu Mo-tian is indifferent and smiling. Enron doesn’t have to. The most important thing now is to catch that person.
He looked into the eyes of the rushing cavalry in the bloody rain of kill array and shot hot light.
No matter how cultivated and determined, the temptation to capture the king of Chu alive really makes people resist the fact that it is easier to make a name for themselves in history than to capture ideal city.
A ray of smile is carefree. Now Xu Motian’s lips won’t let Chen Yifei transport rations into the snow. How can he rest assured that he will lead the army to pursue and rescue?
The fourth chapter ranks to surrender the enemy
If you never thought that you would be dizzy and afraid of hurting yourself one day, you would not only have to face the blood at the nearest distance, but also make a killing with your own hands and let the blood stain your hands.
Chu Yun knows his mind best. It’s not because he or she is too worried that he or she can’t hold on.
On martial arts, she is the highest among the Chu people present, but she has no battlefield experience at first, and secondly, she walks on flesh and blood like this, so how can a woman who grew up in a boudoir bear it without hesitation?
It is she who has led the charge, and may have collapsed and abandoned her sword before she rushed to the middle. However, if she cares about the most beloved man around her, she will be heartbroken and forget her fear when she thinks about his mood.
All the way, the sword and shadow, all the way, the blood and rain, the number of shouts, the number of sharp swords stabbed in front of her, and the number of fresh blood splashed on her.
She, he became attached to life and death, and she wanted to fight with him at the last minute. Other than that, everything was no longer important.
The battlefield shouted to kill the sky, but she could hear every point. The wind and the cold light on the battlefield were freezing, but she never missed his light.
She didn’t know that when she waved her sword, her hand closed, and she knew that her beloved had not been hurt yet.
She doesn’t know how many lives she has taken. She knows that she still loves and can’t leave at this moment.
She also doesn’t know how much blood has stained her clothes. She is worried that his blood spatter will make him dizzy again.
If it is not as worried as Chu Yun, it is more exciting than pain because he can’t be distracted and sad.
So many people’s lives are on his shoulders, so many people are accompanying him to a fight to the death. He has no time to complain and sigh, and he has no energy to think about the meaning of life and country.
He put every attention and every spirit on the battlefield and didn’t dare to neglect it. He easily found out that Qin Jun didn’t shoot an arrow at them and dared not aim at his killer.
If he is more and more afraid of the conflict between the left and the right, and he doesn’t care about his personal safety, he will take his own key to block it when he sees someone else’s weapons coming.
On the contrary, many Qin Jun generals and soldiers rushed to dodge and retreat in order to avoid killing Ruo or seriously injuring him with their weapons, and even fell down and got injured, messing up their formations and hindering friendly actions, which gave Ruo the opportunity to penetrate deeper into the Qin Jun camp.
Surrounded by Qin Jun, it seems that the enemy will never be killed. Hundreds of people ride in the Qin Jun camp with tens of thousands of people to kill a drop in the ocean.
But even if tens of thousands of people in Qin Jun can fight with hundreds of people, after all, it is limited to adding arrows again, and this hundred elite riders are strong and determined to kill, which can really continuously impact the chaotic Qin Jun array into the depths of the Qin Jun camp
But even if you don’t worry about life and death, other Chu troops are facing the most emotional killing and panic in the Chu army. Although it is tough and good at fighting, Qin Jun is also an elite division.
This bitter struggle is extremely tragic. Every step forward must be exchanged for flesh and blood. But Chu Jun’s timid department is firmly protected behind Chu Yun. If their horse falls, they will abandon the stance of stance. When the fighter is stabbed, he will change hands. Remember to stall at least one Qin Jun and stab him to death on the spot before falling to the ground.
Even if the hands and feet are broken, don’t forget to hit Qin Jun’s body and bite the other person’s throat tightly.
People’s eyes were picked by the tip of Qin Jun’s knife, and they were as sharp as screams. They grabbed each other’s eyes at the tip of the knife and stuffed them into their mouths. A group of Qin Jun around them dared not attack him for a while, and he was quite forward.
A man’s nose was cut off, but it was hung on his face with a layer of flesh attached to every move. He couldn’t stand the backhand force in his heart. He tore his nose and threw it into his hand, and at the same time, his right hand split sideways, chopping the stunned Qin Jun on the right to the ground.
The troops are still dead and wounded, dragging their feet and continuing to move forward. They have a knife in their forehead, and their faces are still red, their eyes are still red, and their hands are waving long knives. Every time they go forward, they lose two knives. In this way, they can continue to walk for more than ten steps before they can step forward and look into the distance. The bitter cavalry will not fall for a long time.
Xu Motian in Shuaiqi saw Chujun rushing all the way to fight fiercely, and unconsciously moved slightly and gently sighed that he could bring such a soldier.
Zhao Wenbo ordered the guard to rush over here before, so he asked the late general to take them.
Xu Motian shook his head. Don’t let them come over. Such bravery should be rewarded.
He smiled a little, but he didn’t have to send heavy troops to stop it, but he didn’t give way to them. They didn’t even kill me to get it, so they weren’t qualified to make me look at me differently.
If you don’t know how long this struggle has lasted, you know that your knife wielder has lost his mind. I feel that my clothes are clinging to my skin, but I don’t know whether it is because of sweat or blood that every muscle and every inch of my bones are moaning and whining.
Li Liangchen saw that the long gunner could also restrain his mobility when he squeezed to the front, and immediately made the long gunner withdraw from the front of the long knife hand.
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