At noon on the third day, thousands of immortals gathered at the Zongmen Gate in Yuanqu Mountain in January. These immortals were all dressed in robes of different colors.
When you look near, it is obvious that they are not the same robe. Yes, they belong to the five major door forces in Iraq. The Ministry of Immortality is gathered here.
Chapter one hundred and three Glass spray
The five doors of Iraq are gathered here not to discuss the achievement method or to exchange the experience of cultivation.
They came here with a goal of "killing demons"
They’re scattered like sand, and the five main doors have always been self-serving forces. They often make a fuss about a little thing, and five opposing clans are now gathered here to get rid of a boastful foreign monk.
It happened that this boastful foreign monk was also very cruel and ruthless. He never left a corpse, which was one of the reasons for the emergency gathering of the five gates.
It is difficult for the heads of the five major households to meet for the first time, but they are not ordinary people. They soon enliven the awkward silence and become reluctant to talk about taboos.
Jia Yun, the patriarch of Baitie Baiguan Sect, the Lord of Haishanmen Sect, brought a shocking news to someone in the place.
"The demon flew to the ocean north of Quxing Mountain. This is news from several scattered practitioners."
The speaker is a low dwarf, with a child-like figure, but he speaks calmly and loudly, and his figure is not harmonious at all. The body behind the patriarch Jia Yun of Baiguan Sect is covered with a strong murderous look.
This man is not tall, but he has a lot of fat. This figure shows the name of this dwarf.
The reason why his puppet doppelganger can’t speak is that the puppet doppelganger can’t make any sound even when he dies tragically.
Since Bu Pingfan defeated Gai Puppet from Xiao Family, the mysterious figure "Gai" of Baiguan Sect has been paying close attention to Bu Pingfan’s trend. He has to gnash his teeth and swear to kill Bu Pingfan to eliminate his hatred.
Everyone in the place is Cheng Kun, the patriarch of Yuanyue Sect in one leng. There are twelve mysterious figures in black cloaks behind him.
These twelve are the twelve evil spirits in black who are on the bounty list. When they heard that Bu Pingfan, the demon, had run to this area by himself, it was hard for them to be excited.
They were talking in secret when they were in a wilderness island 30 kilometers north of Quxing Mountain.
Still quietly waiting for the information brought by Ji Xian Tong and closing his eyes to meditate, Bu Pingfan suddenly opened his eyes.
"Break the wave interference? Really? Tong Jun’s eyebrows puckered up. In my mind, I heard the reply from Ji Xian Tong. Time flint asked Ji Xian Tong.
Next to a pair of eyes suddenly opened, it was Meng Fei, a hardworking and hard-working official. There was a breath of breaking through the bottleneck in her penance.
"Did you find it?" Guan Mengfei’s lips trembled and excited to ask Bu Pingfan.
Finding it means that her parents may live, which is why she can be patient and wait for ordinary cloth.
Cloth ordinary that black eyes scanning officer Meng Fei gently nodded from his expression can be seen that things are not optimistic.
"Where?" Seems to see the cloth ordinary detailed change officer Meng Fei quickly asked.
After recovering eyes from Guan Mengfei, Bu Pingfan stretched his bones and got up without words, staring at the lake.
Officer dream fei from cloth ordinary this strange expression has guessed that those mortals should be all in this calm lake.
At the bottom of this lake, you can see that the lake is actually a wall. There is no lake here, and this is a decoration called "glass".
Cloth ordinary leaps directly into the lake and makes a clatter.
"Glass? Is there a difference between bronze mirrors? " Guan Mengfei guessed in his heart that he would jump behind the ordinary cloth and step on the lake.
They can clearly hear their feet crunching when they step on this lake-like glass.
"Really have a mystery? Is this "glass"? " The incredible scene dazzled Guan Mengfei. She lifted her foot and gently stepped on this glass plate shaped like a lake.
See the whole glass lake trembling cloth ordinary horse hold officer dream fei way
"Watch out for the collapse."
His voice just fell and the two men were stupefied, and there was no movement. Cloth was a little calm because his mind had already been analyzed by Ji Xian Tong.
Guan Mengfei suddenly called out that her feet were suspended and suddenly dropped when they failed.
It seems that there is no such thing as a calm lake. When it is calm, it splashes glass like a rough wave, and like a complete piece of glass broken, glass fragments are scattered everywhere.
Cloth ordinary reaction quickly and instantly turned into a colorful rainbow, hanging off the arm of Guan Mengfei.
"Go! This strange phenomenon is also the first time I have seen it. "
After Guan Mengfei was released, Bu Pingfan continued to fly to the bottom of the glass lake.
"High winds ant department in place! Follow! " When Bu Pingfan flies, he quickly calls the flurry ants together. These flurry ants are secret weapons that he can rely on.
"There is this kind of glass? It can actually form a lake and it is still so realistic, Bishop! "
Cloth ordinary heart laments that he is also a scholar who comes from the civilized society to cultivate immortality. It is the first time he has seen such things beyond the civilized society.
Flying all the way to the surface, except that the glass plate with a thickness of 10 cm on the surface forms a lake, there is a vast area inside.
The two men walked along the Kuang until they came to a triangular tower, and around it, they could vaguely see the ancient pagoda-shaped building similar to their feet.
"How on earth did a group of mere mortals get out of this place?" This very profound problem immediately troubled Bu Pingfan.
Seeing all this, I became nervous, and the pupil contraction officer Meng Fei tried to look for those mortal traces everywhere beyond ordinary people’s eyes.
Seeing Guan Mengfei like this, Bu Pingfan didn’t say anything, or did he want to put mortals in and out of this place at will?
This question is hard to figure out, and suddenly he has an explanation in his mind.
"Child.when the owner’s adult there is a similar elevator informant to send the ladder from the bottom to the outside and then ride back from the outside! Similar to the door delivery made before the reunification! Finished! "
"Send the door?" Cloth ordinary forehead veins stood out suddenly and violently talking about this delivery door, he came to the gas science and technology base that delivery door made his nose crooked.
Now he couldn’t help swearing when he heard that Ji Xian Tong was playing again.
“CAO! Shit! Tong Jun, if you still send the old man to the door, you will worry about killing the old man naked and sending the garbage to the door! Bah! "
Chapter one hundred and four Nine ancient pagodas
"What did you say?" Suddenly, I heard Bu Pingfan’s mouth, but also said something that I didn’t understand. Meng Fei, a moth, frowned and asked Bu Pingfan.
Cloth ordinary suddenly zheng leng there suddenly turned to look at the officer dream fei smile explained.
"Nothing just fell asleep! Say talk in a dream don’t take it seriously … "
Guan Mengfei didn’t pay attention to whether Bu Pingfan was asleep or talking in his sleep.
The most important thing for her now is to find her parents and take them away from this place.
"Go and have a look!" Guan Mengfei looked at the ordinary cloth and waited for his reply.
To also a face of laughing cloth ordinary horse convergence smile from the treasure capsule inside take out five thousand meters laser hand barrel way
"Let’s go! Let’s get out of here after finding your parents! "
Hearing this, Guan Mengfei stepped out of the top of the triangular ancient pagoda like a meteor, and the pagoda was as light as a swallow, spinning a few times quickly and then steadily.
Cloth ordinary saw Guan Mengfei so strong that he learned from Guan Mengfei that he jumped more than ten meters high in the ancient pagoda.
He has auxiliary skills and is as light as a swallow’s root. It’s not a problem. It’s also stable next to Guan Mengfei.
Guan Mengfei was transfixed by the bright hand barrel. Don’t say that she has seen this kind of thing, even if she has heard it.
"What is that light in your hand?" After seeing the light of the hand barrel, Guan Mengfei still asked Bu Pingfan out of curiosity.
"Nothing is always catching the sun, and it’s convenient to make it late at night! Don’t panic … "
Cloth ordinary has been too lazy to explain casually before this Ni made up a lie to coax her.
As he spoke, he shot strong light around the handle to illuminate the surroundings.
"Report to the owner that dozens of people are active in the first ancient pagoda!"
Their island passed again the next day.
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