From the name, it can be seen that this thing seems to be a mixture of sika deer and tiger zebra
The list goes on and on.
Even before, this giant creature in a different world was more like a strange thing pieced together by more earth creatures.
Lin Yue felt that everything seemed to be pieced together except this treasure chest.
"Master, do you think the world is like what you said made a great world?"
Xiaobai seems to understand Lin Yue’s conjecture.
Although it doesn’t know what the master said the original earth was like, from the main population, this different world is inextricably linked with the earth.
"Yes, this cosmopolitanism is a mutating organism or these mutating insects. Even these weeds and trees have quite a lot of patchwork traces, which makes people feel like several creatures are mixed together."
Lin Yue felt that the variation of sheep meat was not much different from the mutton in his impression.
This confirms this hypothesis.
"Does the master think the world is false?" Xiaobai seems to understand that Lin Yue wants to express his thoughts.
"It’s true, but it’s not the same." Lin Yue looked at his partner and agreed to the request of 3D printing equipment to share all kinds of design drawings in the past. "Xiaobai, although I think so, you don’t seem to be’ designed’ like this."
"Small white is not? Aren’t they small fierce? "
"It doesn’t seem like this to you, but it’s more like coming from somewhere else like the Wolfman. This different world is very special for you."
Lin Yue said this without any falsehood.
That’s what he thinks.
Xiaobai, the "evolution" they show seems to be born with "wisdom", which is very close to human beings. This kind of business is strongly different from mutant creatures
It’s not that there is no such thing in the World Channel that after seeing Xiao Bai’s power, he will go directly to find what looks like a strong mutant biological cub to train and raise.
But the result seems to be failure.
No survivor can be as strong as he and Xiao Bai, and no one can evolve continuously like Xiao Bai.
What they want to let those mutant creatures to attack and fight is impossible.
Later, many survivors turned to look for the little ice lizards.
But it seems that so far, I haven’t seen anyone who has ever had a baby ice lizard, let alone allowed them to evolve.
Lin Yue also admitted that he thought Xiaobai was a "mutant", but after such a long time, he didn’t think so at all.
Little ice lizard is qualitatively different from those mutant creatures.
Not only is it more uniform in appearance, but it is almost like the cute little lizards that the earth has ever seen, and they also have an "elemental power" obtained by other biological methods.
This element force feels that there are some "extraordinary powers" that these people have had after a high fever like him.
This force does not belong to this category of power that seems to be ordinary like the earth.
Xiaobai is the best among the little ice lizards. Now he not only has those powerful and special powers, but also has more detached wisdom and can learn the human language, the wolf-head language.
A very short time!
think it over
Xiaobai has only been more than forty days since she was born!
This speed really makes people believe that it has undergone two evolutions and three molts, and now it is a powerful and intelligent creature.
Even Lin Yue thinks that if Xiaobai had more populations, they would be enough to surpass the whole human race!
"Master Xiao Bai, though special, will still be loyal to his master’s orders, but Xiao Bai feels that his master’s strength is not strong enough, and he can’t easily explore the deeper things. He should try his best to destroy all kinds of enemies in front of him."
Lin Yue leng for a while suddenly laughed.
Sure enough, Xiaobai is really smart.
The deeper enemy … Isn’t that the one behind it?
That is to say, human beings will not throw many humanoid races into this broken planet and different world to make the so-called disaster survival game behind the scenes.
At the same time, it is also the so-called "unification" behind the scenes that is beyond human imagination.
Xiao Bai is now advising him not to aim too high. Now, it can be said that he is not strong enough to challenge the higher-level enemy.
This is indeed the case.
Too eager for quick success and instant benefit will also lead to failure and crisis.
Now he should target mythical beasts, lizard men and wolf heads, and disaster bodies.
It’s huge behind it, and temporary intervention by other methods can also shake it
Lin Yue really feels that his ideas are a bit too much beyond his own strength.
He doesn’t even have the strength to find out and destroy the lizard man in one breath. He wants to aim high and challenge the one behind it. He is really a little hot-headed
"Xiao Bai, thank you for waking up. My strength is really a lot worse."
Lin Yue took a deep breath and now he has returned to the original calm and cautious.
Indeed, there are a lot of resources in hand, and the strength is much stronger than one.
But to tell the truth, it really didn’t reach the level of being able to compete with those behind it.
"Master should try to become stronger first."
Xiaobai finally said
Lin Yue nodded to look at the high-precision super-generation 3D printing equipment.
【 Materials that have been imported into the general design drawing can be selected for construction or manufacturing 】
[You can also make your own design drawings, and you need corresponding hand-painted or inspired design drawings]
Hand-painted or inspired design drawings?
Lin Yue couldn’t help picking his eyebrows.
Mutant sheep are very similar to sheep and wolves. Big creatures are pieced together. Most of them look like sheep, but they are big. They have wolf teeth and are a carnivore.
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