By this time, they were very close to the ground. Just after the dragon’s mouth had just loosened, they only heard a series of loud noises. The halberd of the law finally slammed Zulong into the ground!
Since then, the potential has not stopped. As the halberd of the law continues to move forward, Zulong will be pushed backward. How many hills and forests have not been swept down and how many towns and villages have been flattened by that thousand-mile-long body …
Dust and smoke are everywhere, but it is as high as a thousand feet. Completely submerged the thousands of miles long ZuLong below.
But … The golden light suddenly rose below the dust, and Zulong was obviously not dead, and he looked up and bit Xuanyuan Huang! This time, because the body was nailed. It can only bite the leg of Emperor Xuanyuan, and there is no other choice.
However, Emperor Xuanyuan didn’t give it a chance at all, and the halberd of the right hand law was waved to the right, causing Zulong to slip to the right involuntarily. At the same time, his head sank a little, and at the same time, Xuanyuan Huang arrived early with his left foot, stepping on Zulong’s head and flagrantly stepping down!
"boom! ! !”
Xuanyuan emperor rigidly stepped on the tap and pressed it on the ground!
Then, Xuanyuan Huang didn’t have any interest in talking to Zulong, and his body suddenly made a force, and all the forces acted on his left foot!
"Cut! ! ! !”
Emperor Xuanyuan stepped on the dragon’s head, and there was more than one potential. My left foot is still standing on the dragon head and I am deeply stuck in the ground!
The dragon body that was still struggling suddenly softened and fell to the ground in a weak voice.
At this time, the smoke just gradually dispersed, and everyone vaguely saw that Huang Jinlong, who was more than a thousand miles long, had completely lost all his strength and bent across the ground …
Zulong just died?
So powerful. So that no one can resist the existence and die like this?
However, when everyone looked at Emperor Xuanyuan and the halberd of law in his hand. It’s not so shocking.
Because XuanYuanHuang from the appearance of the sense that gives a person is obviously stronger than ZuLong!
In addition to breaking the space barrier of Tianlan demon world, he spent some effort, and the subsequent battle was actually effortless at all.
Lift your left foot. Pulling out the halberd of the law, Emperor Xuanyuan turned away and took a look at the Zhengxianhui.
However, it was just a glance, and he didn’t do anything else.
Then, it seems that out of pure curiosity, I took a look at the whole Tianlan demon world and said coldly, "The demon world?"
It’s a simple word, but from his tone, everyone understands his meaning.
Total contempt!
Just like if he wants, he can destroy the whole demon world with one finger!
At this time, the people who are immortal don’t know it yet. Although the voice of Xuanyuan Emperor is not big, it has actually spread to all corners of Tianlan demon world. Every living thing has heard it and felt the emotions of Xuanyuan Emperor.
Then, Emperor Xuanyuan still ignored the positive fairy meeting and Xiao Wen. He only looked at the peak where the purple Yan was buried, suddenly became slightly short, and then jumped up!
When he came, everyone saw how he fell, but when he left, no one saw how he left. Just because he jumped out of this world so fast that he didn’t even leave a shadow.
After the disappearance of Emperor Xuanyuan, all the creatures in the demon world in Tianlan were speechless for a long time.
And all the people who are immortal can also see that the big hole in the white Se in the sky is closing at an extremely fast speed, and finally even let out a roar.
Finally, all the white light disappeared, and Emperor Xuanyuan left completely.
At that moment, I don’t know how many people finally felt that their hearts were still beating and they were still alive.
The people of the zhengxian society looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.
Turns out to be Xiao asked the fastest response, and they said good morning, and immediately flew to the purple Yan side.
Xuanyuan emperor ignored him, but he didn’t feel anything in his heart, and even felt a little lucky.
However, did Emperor Xuanyuan really not pay attention to him?
Even Zulong could see that he had completed the Purple Ghost Magic Martial Arts Classic. Would Emperor Xuanyuan not see it?
However, Xiao asked that moment really didn’t make any magical power, but just kept flying with Tao force.
Xiao asked didn’t know it. At this time, Xuanyuan Huang’s business was never over!
That came to Tianlan demon world, it was not Zulong’s real body at all! Zulong’s real body has always been locked in front of that huge palace!
White light flashed, and before the huge palace, Emperor Xuanyuan appeared there out of thin air and turned to look at the Zulong on the left side of the son directly.
It can be seen that at this time, Zu’s life has lost more than half.
Xuanyuanhuang’s mouth slightly raised, and he smiled lightly: "You didn’t hold back after all."
Then, Xuanyuan Huang’s left palm suddenly shot, right in the head of Zulong!
Ps: it’s worse in the back. Make it up later! ! The people of the zhengxian society looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.
Turns out to be Xiao asked the fastest response, and they said good morning, and immediately flew to the purple Yan side.
Emperor Xuanyuan ignored him, but he didn’t feel anything in his heart. Even slightly lucky.
But … Xuanyuan emperor really didn’t pay attention to him?
Even Zulong could see that he had completed the Purple Ghost Magic Martial Arts Classic. Would Emperor Xuanyuan not see it?
However, Xiao asked that moment really didn’t make any magical power, but just kept flying with Tao force.
Xiao asked didn’t know. At this time, Xuanyuan Huang’s business is still not over!
That came to Tianlan demon world, it was not Zulong’s real body at all! Zulong’s real body has always been locked in front of that huge palace!
White light flashed, and before the huge palace, Emperor Xuanyuan appeared there out of thin air and turned to look at the Zulong on the left side of the son directly.
You can totally see that. At this time, most of Zu’s life has gone.
Xuanyuanhuang’s mouth slightly raised, and he smiled lightly: "You didn’t hold back after all."
Then, Xuanyuan Huang’s left palm suddenly shot, right in the head of Zulong! The people of the zhengxian society looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.
Turns out to be Xiao asked the fastest response, and they said good morning, and immediately flew to the purple Yan side.
Perhaps it was too much energy loss, or too much power on the halberd of the law. Zulong could no longer bite the left arm of Xuanyuan Emperor, bringing out a lot of flesh and blood, and was pushed outward by the halberd of the law.
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